3 Free Dating Sites to Help You Get Over A Break Up
Find A Date & Get Back on the Relationship Bandwagon!
So you have recently broken up with your Ex. Considering web dating? Your relationship may be over but your life is not. Sometimes the best way to cope with the end of a relationship is to get back into the game.
Are you asking yourself any of these questions:
- How do I find a man?
- How do I find a woman?
- How do I find a girlfriend?
- How do I find a boyfriend?
- How do I find a wife?
- How do I find a husband?
- How do I find a rich man?
- How do I find a rich woman?
If so, you need to find a date!
Whether you have lost a Boyfriend, Girlfriend or a Friend with Benefits, consider web dating! These three free dating sites will help you find someone special and bring love back into your life! At the very least, these web dating sites will take you on a great adventure!
Before you fall into relationship depression, try to find someone new. However, if you still can’t break your depression, you may seek to find relationship counseling or training from a qualified Dr. of Love! Be aware, many say that finding someone new to spend time with is one of the greatest end of relationship strategies you can employ! You had a break up, now go make up for lost time!
1) OKCupid.com http://www.okcupid.com
OkCupid is a site which can help even the most discriminating person find their soulmate. The site does many things to match you to someone who you are compatible with. They have rankings which tell you if someone is meant for you, meant to be a friend or is your enemy. They even have a feature which shows you three people that the site thinks you might make a good match with.
For some reason however, the people on OKCUPID tend to be a little more….how do we say this…uppity at times. It is as if you are talking to people at church when dealing with some profiles. This could be because the population that OKCUPID attracts tends to be someone weary of internet dating.
Web Dating Tip: You can add someone as a favorite on the site and track them without knowing by making sure that your preferences are set to denying notification.
Beware: When you rank women/men on OKCUPID, they will inform anyone that you rank four stars or better that you have ranked them as such. This can be awkward.
Also, if you want to browse profiles anonymously, you should set your settings to such IMMEDIATELY upon joining. Otherwise, anyone who you view on the site can see that you viewed their profile. Note, if you turn off this feature, you can no longer see who was looking at your profile.
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POF is much like the wild west of dating sites. POF.com has tons of profiles. Lots. Hundreds of thousands all over the country. This can be a good thing. However, sorting through the site can be like finding a great item at TJ Max or Marshalls: You just don’t know what you will find and if you find a gucci shoe, it may be missing the other shoe.
Such being the case, Plentyoffish.com is an excellent website for you to browse singles in your area or in some other area that you are interested in.
Web Dating Tip: Don’t fall victim to the CUT AND PASTE or use one liners. POF user’s are very weary of people who write short one liners and/or who cut and paste the same message to lots of people. It is a small world. Also, guys should be aware that women tend to affirmatively hate on men who have no shirts on in their profile pictures on POF.com.
Beware: Be very careful how you set your preferences as to what you are looking for in life and on the site. If you set your preferences to Intimate Encounter or something that states that you are just looking for a good time, the site will actually BLOCK YOU from writing to certain profiles. Our intel also suggests that writing to someone with those settings might also lead to your being blocked and prevented from talking to certain people who set their settings to preclude you from talking to them!
3) Yelp.com http://www.yelp.com
That is what most Yelper’s say at least. After all, Yelp is a restaurant review site which has tens of thousands of users. However, Yelp, like many medicines has an interesting secondary use that it was not prescribed for: it can make for an amazing dating site! That is right: YELP IS A DATING SITE! This can however, be good and bad.
Yelpers as they are called, make profiles on yelp and review places that they have been to. They are very friendly and love to talk about being foodies and their tastes and interests. In fact, they LOVE that you care at all. This is something that you can use. By Yelping your favorite places and writing to people who frequent them, you can find someone who has similar interests and have insight into what a potential mate’s likes and dislikes are without even meeting them. We know…scary…just be careful…
Web Dating Tip: Yelp has events which they pay for that bring people together! They require everyone to wear a name tag. They even have an “Elite Squad” which gets to go to more free events at which strangers are encouraged to mingle!
Web Dating Tip: Yelp has an unexpectedly large Asian population. If you are looking to meet an Asian man or looking to meet an Asian girl, Yelp is a great place to meet Asian people. Those of you who want to date Asian women or date Asian men may find luck on Yelp. That being said, don’t date people simply because you have a fetish.
Beware: The proper Yelp etiquette for chatting is not the direct message. Yelpers initially write and get to know each other using “compliments” which are public messages that are much like writing on someone’s facebook wall. Yelpers are known to have whole conversations through compliments. Use Compliments before you use direct messages, as using direct messages can make you look like a creep or stalker.
Whatever you decide to do, GOOD LUCK LOOKING FOR LOVE!
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