Retaliation is by far the sweetest fruit….I mean the world is indeed full of crazy instances in which retaliation creates a greater good. They say one person’s trash is another person’s treasure….isn’t that some really ironic stuff…I mean in relationships isn’t that the case…well in my experience you break up and she finally starts growing hair and gets some teeth whitener but hey, my experience is atypical and I don’t wanna get side tracked…you see, we are here to help you out and today, as per request, we will revisit the subject of retaliation…
Jerry Robinowitz on Retaliation
Also known as Jerry Robinowitz on Dating & Retaliation. Retaliation is an important tool. It will always help the world to be a better place for you and me. Well, maybe just for me but hey, who the hell do you think you are anyway? So what’s retaliation you ask? Retaliation is what you do when you get someone back for something you done. Contrast this with doing something to random people for no reason cause that’s called “you are a crazy mofo and you had better not drop the soap where they are gonna put you.” I think you get the idea. So retaliation is purely in response to something. Now don’t feel as if you have to do someone a favor and let them know it’s coming…in fact, you don’t do that…this is important…you must catch that fool by surprise…whatever you do, it must be unique and hit hard…for instance, some wives will during a divorce, sell a $50,000 car for $50 to a stranger just so the husband gets nothing because after all, that’s the car he used to literally ride that little deep throating flusie in…that hurts…see, once, a long long time ago someone got me so angry that I took one of those little bouillon cubes, you know the little cubes you dissolve in water and in makes it chicken soup…well I took the cube and I put it in her shower-head…that way when she came in the morning to take her shower and wash her hair, the hot water would mix with the bouillon soup and create a chicken soup shower….now you do that to someone and they will stink like chicken soup for some time….good lord if they are late for work that morning…..”hey what’s that smell”……but you get the idea…you have to come hard…inspire hatred..
The Revenge List: Who To Cheat With If You Want To Get Back At A Cheater!
Background noted, if your mate cheats on you and you want revenge you may wish to cheat as well…if so here are the people you should sleep with if you are a man…the second most powerful retaliatory act is to sleep with her mother…the biggest missile would be sleep with her father, but I don’t recommend that..its crazy…and I’m personally not gay but if you are a homo thug, you go keep it in the family….now the third biggest hit would be siblings, brothers and sisters, followed by cousins and relatives. If you have no access or chance at one of the above, try people they claim to be related to but aren’t fake cousins…none of those, find good friends, and if you are at a loss, then find an enemy…if all else fails, find out where she went to elementary school and go have sex with the girl that used to eat her boogers, or better yet, the infamous glue sniffer…
To recap, if you want to get back at a cheater by cheating, cheat with the following in the following order:
Who To Cheat With:
Mother (if you are a woman) Father (if you are a man)
Father (if you are a woman) Mother (if you are a man)
Siblings: Brothers and Sisters
Cousins and Relatives
Fake Cousins & Siblings (People they grew up close to)
Good Friends
Enemies and Distant Friends
People They think are lower than them: Glue sniffers, train wrecks, girls with yellow teeth, girls with horrible stretch marks that show them often, girls with too much make up, girls with 80’s hair, really really short guys, guys with shirtless pictures on the internet, juice heads who have no clue, spanish & black guys (if you are white, cause that will make a white man really mad..)…etc…not in that order…
In any event, you get them back! But if you’re really an adult, you will forgive, forget and when you see her again, you say, yes, that is a great idea, I would like fries with that! And then you take your french fries and you leave! After all, we all know that cheating exes end up working at a fast food restaurant or with some other horrible situation in the years that follow our relationships…
Disclaimer: This post uses terms like “homo thug” and does so lovingly. This site and this post are in no way intended to in anyway disrespect, vex, or alarm homosexuals. In fact, we are very happy to have all people as readers of our site. Anyone that thinks the term “homo thug” is derogatory has never been punched in the face by a thugged out homosexual. If I was in a fight, I should only be so lucky if a thugged out homosexual were to punch someone in the face for me. You should be so lucky as well. That is all I have to say about that…
Tired of the same old dating sites and social networking sites? Keep seeing the same old tired people on those social networking sites? You don’t have to get rid of your facebookfriends..
Looking for some new friends? Someone to talk to? A new companion? A new enemy? If so, check out which seems to look and function a lot like which we loved. People loved myspace, they just don’t want to be caught on myspace because it is no longer the cool go to site. You can sign up and set up a profile for free using your facebook information.
People that live in the hood have a slang all their own. However, you don’t have to live in some urban neighborhood to understand important relationship advice and dating theory. In this video, via You Tube, Kain Carter explains the concept of the Bottom Bit#Sh.
While we don’t particularly agree with his definition, it is a funny video worthy of at least one look. This video could help you get some insight into the brain of the dating male.
Oprah interviews Kim Kardashian in this video from World Star Hip Hop. Kim discusses her relationship with Kanye. Oprah bluntly asks Kim if Kanye is a fairy tale.
Kim reveals that she talks to Kanye everyday, that they have known each other for years, and says that she and Kanye are not a publicity stunt. She says that they are not looking to move in together. Kim bought Kanye a CAR for his birthday, a Lamborghini! She says despite her sex tape and partying, she goes to church every Sunday and that Kanye and her share a unique bond and experience, including, the loss of a parent.
Oprah asks if Kanye is someone who she can marry and Kim answers: “First I have to get divorced…”
Sometimes you just can’t make up what is happening when people cheat. You can think that you know someone, but the truth is, they can be into all sorts of crazy freaky stuff. To be sure, you just never really know who someone is!
In this crazy episode of Cheaters, which is brought to you via World Star Hip Hop, some poor unfortunate herb (that is a guy who just got a bad bounce in this case) comes home to his house to find his girlfriend cheating. He knew she was probably cheating..but what he found was sure to shock and awe. We still don’t know exactly what we saw, but it was cheating, it was strange and it was definitely the closest thing to carnival or circus sex we have ever seen! Masks and construction tape, make up and vests, creepy carnival music and a role playing girlfriend who was doing the nasty with some sort of Halloween monster…you just have to see for yourself..
Title this one: “I am gonna have to catch a case…”
Frustrated with your break up? Wondering what other people go through during a break up or when trying to get someone back or when dealing with someone trying to get you back? Check out this video via World Star Hip Hop of Joe Budden and Tahiry discussing their relationship!
Check out this Audio interview of Chelsea Lately discussing her break up with 50 Cent, jealousy, and other important topics pertaining to breaking up and relationships.
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